Hi, It was a nice weekend at Fort Smith, Arkansas participating professional CTF Shell On The Border. It was an amazing event which has more 21 teams (4-players). First day, it was just a registration and orientation day which they were explaining the comptention’s rule and also they distribtued some other stuff including interesting T-shirt! that has something on it!

T-shirt challenge - SOTB

Discussed this with my team-mate about the string which before even started this challenge. We figured out that the string is Hex, and it looks like encrypted and the last string some sort looks like key SOTB2018.

It took me an hour to solve this out because I have came across same encryption before.

I was thinking of XOR encryption but I need to confirm that before go any further! what I did is I know that the flag starts with FLAG string, so it is good idea to encrypt this using XOR and SOTB2018 key.

root@yas3r:~#                                                # Encrypt stage
root@yas3r:~# echo -ne 'FLAG' | xxd -a                       #convert TEXT to HEX
00000000: 464c 4147                                FLAG
root@yas3r:~# echo -ne 'SOTB' | xxd -a
00000000: 534f 5442                                SOTB      #convert TEXT to HEX
root@yas3r:~# python -c "print hex(0x464c4147 ^ 0x534f5442)" #HEX XOR
0x15031505 		# compared it with the picture!! :)
root@yas3r:~# echo '0x15031505' | xxd -r -p                 #convert HEX back to TEXT
root@yas3r:~# python -c "print hex(0x15031505 ^ 0x534f5442)" #Decrypt stage
root@yas3r:~# echo '0x464c4147' | xxd -r -p

Now it’s confirmed. It is time to do a python to do the magic. But there is something important here. The key has to be as same as the encrypt length! which means we need to repeate the key to be equal the encrypted message!

root@yas3r:~/SOTB/encryption# cat ../t-shirt.py
enc = "\x15\x03\x15\x05\x49\x79\x6e\x50\x32\x2c\x3f\x27\x56\x6f\x45\x50\x36\x10\x13\x2b\x50\x43\x5e\x56\x0c\x2e\x3a\x26\x6d\x51\x5d\x54\x0c\x06\x0b\x25\x5d\x44\x6e\x4f\x32\x3c\x0b\x36\x5a\x59\x42\x67\x3f\x20\x21\x31\x4b\x6f\x45\x15\x20\x27\x3d\x30\x46\x11\x4c"

key = "\x53\x4f\x54\x42\x32\x30\x31\x38\x53\x4f\x54\x42\x32\x30\x31\x38\x53\x4f\x54\x42\x32\x30\x31\x38\x53\x4f\x54\x42\x32\x30\x31\x38\x53\x4f\x54\x42\x32\x30\x31\x38\x53\x4f\x54\x42\x32\x30\x31\x38\x53\x4f\x54\x42\x32\x30\x31\x38\x53\x4f\x54\x42\x32\x30\x31"

decrypt = str()

for i in range(0, len(enc)):
  decrypt += chr(ord(key[i]) ^ ord(enc[i]))

print "plaintext is: {0}".format(decrypt)


root@yas3r:~# python t-shirt.py
plaintext is: FLAG{I_hacked_the_Gibson_and_all_I_got_was_this_lousy_t-shirt!}



Ph.D. in Computer Science / Network Security