Nineveh Virtual Machine is publicaly available! Happy new Year everybody! With beginning of this year, I would like to make my vulnerable machine Nineveh available for everybody to try it on your own lab! This machine was a part of Hackthebox platform.

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Nineveh has gotten good reputation at hackthebox platform since it has more than 255 likes so far. The machine now is retired which means that the machine is still available on hackthebox platform but it doesn’t worth any points if you get the flags!

This box is designed for educational purposes only. Thus, in order to own/pwn Nineveh machine, you need to have pentest skills such:

  • Reconnaissance
  • Scanning
  • Web Application Pentest
  • Network skills
  • Forensics skills
  • Privilege escalation skills

This machine is configure to have a static IP address for reason! which is I have test this machine on virtualbox and Proxmox. If you have try it on VMware and works, please let me know so that I can update this post.

Download From Here

Hope you’ll like it .. Enjoy and happy a new year!



Ph.D. in Computer Science / Network Security