In this article, I would like to show you guys how to import Virtualbox or VMware machines into `Proxmox visualization 5`. First of all, for this article, I am going to pick one of `Vulnhub's machines` which is `Breach2` by the awesome guy `@mrb3n` Find it at Link.
After downloading the VM machine, extract it and make sure it has OVA file. In my example, the file exists under name 'Breach-2_final2.1.ova'
Next, we need to extract OVA file in order to get the disk image using GNU tar command as the following:
Then, It's the time to copy the disk image to `Proxmox`. Use your favorite method to copy it. For me, I will be using `scp` command.
Next, Login to Proxmox console, create a new Proxmox’s machine as the following:
Where `qm` is the main command to manage the virtual machines on `Proxmox`. The following option is `create` to create a new one, and the network card that connects to virtual connection `vmbr0`. Then, Setting the name and the amount of RAM to the machine. To make sure that we have successfully created it, execute the following command:
Now, We have to import the Breach's disk to the created machine which has id `160`
So, we have imported the disk into the machine that has ID=160 using `importdisk` option.
Finally, login to Promxmox's control panel or you can also do it using the console, but for this article, I will show using the control panel.
Click on the created machine `Breach2` from the virtual machine's menu, and select the hardware option. Select `Unused Disk0` and make sure that the device is `SATA` and select `Add`.